Thursday, April 19, 2012

So, Um, Hi!?!

My name is Diane and as you can guess by the name of this blog, I am a working mom. I have tossed the idea of blogging around for a while now but always struggled with the whole concept of what I had to say, what could I offer, did I need to find a niche and then today, I just said aw what the hell just say something. So here I am all socially awkward waving hi to anyone who dips a toe in this pond over here.

"The Middle" is where I have always defined myself. I was an average student, achieved  average career success, and now that I am a mommy to a wild toddler, I strive to be an average mother who for the love does not screw this all up. You know like this: 

So that's the plan man, welcome to my Middle Ground.

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